
Help pages for GroundForge

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Reuse on 3rd party pages

Third party webmasters can reuse smaller or larger portions of the GroundForge website. The following suggestions assume a proficient knowledge of html. Option 2 and 3 even require the possibility to deploy your own custom JavaScripts, and knowledge how to write them.

The most simple option is a screen shot snippet, description or name of a specific pattern (or your own diagram) and the corresponding link. Remember to use the link button before you copy-paste the address of a specific pattern.

2. Convenience forms

A convenience form can create a dynamic link to a base pattern. Thus visitors can make variations on a family of patterns by choosing stitches or other properties. Known examples:

3. Embedded diagrams

You can even embed one or more of the dynamic diagrams on your pages. To get started download both files on docs/API: save the raw versions together in one directory. Change one JavaScript reference in the html file to the following address (note that {NNN} means the latest commit number):{NNN}/docs/js/GroundForge-opt.js

Now the downloaded page should show the same diagrams as the public API page.

Finally edit the load function in the downloaded script to drop the diagrams you don’t want. Assign dynamic values to the hardcode value q and/or arguments for patterns.add. An option to obtain these values are the convenience forms discussed above.

Batch or server side

A Java library is also available for batch processing or server side processing. This library provides the same classes as called form the load function in the JavaScript. The jar file is available between the assets of the latest release, it might be behind on the API web page. Sadly no known java equivalent for the force graphs of the D3js library called in the showGraph function. Without applying force graphs, the thread diagrams are of no use and after all generating thread diagrams from pair diagram is the core of GroundForge.