
Help pages for GroundForge

View project on GitHub

Stable version

When giving a demo or course, you do not want to be surprised with significant changes to the website. The lists of steps below will give you your own stable version.

  • Register or login at github.
  • Fork the projects GroundForge, MAE-gf, tesselace-to-gf and gw-lace-to-gf; in this context to not stay synced.
  • For most forks: Configure the /docs folder as publishing source for GitHub Pages, for MAE-g the root folder is the publishing source. After saving, the page will tell you where you can access the pages.
  • A simple alternative to get synced again: delete your own fork and repeat the process. This way you don’t need to install anything, just web access and a browser. It is a brute force approach that might cause permanent loss of your own online artifacts.

Some links in your own copy may be hardwired back to the official version. Monitor the address bar of your browser. When it shows d-bl at the start, replace it with your own github account name to return to your own copy.