Fish grounds are usualy used in small braids, typically 14-18 pairs of bobbins.
The grounds consists of a number of rows with two or more cloth stitches followed with some twists in the weaver. Fish starts and closes with a cloth stitch. In between the fish-rows, zero, one ore more rows with e.g. half stitch, pin, half stitch are made. The number of these rows define whether the fish will be in straight vertical lines, or in alternating positions.
If the tail is made with pairs not from the same fish, the ground is called Lotus.
Fish can also be made using the Droste function of GroundForge. See page Droste.
Broader fish can be made, e.g. with four cloth stitches.
In some Milanese grounds, the heads and tails are made as a cloth stitch with pairs. Groundforge does not support this. Making the head and tail as a half spider is supported.
Please note: if a fish has an odd number of bones, like B3, the weavers change direction at the next set of fish. This is not shown in the matrices used for the examples.
Fish notation
Lets call the horizontal rows the bones, the vertical lines the spines, and the in between rows the waves. Fish B,S,W means: the number of Bones, the number of Spines and the number of Waves. There are two ways of zero waves, noted with “0” and “-“ respectively. See the picture.
Fish examples
- Fish B1,S2,W-, Fish B2,S1,W-, Fish B1,S2,W0
- Fish B2,S2,W-, Fish B2,S2,W0, Fish B2,S2,W2
- Fish B3,S2,W2
- Fish B4,S2,W-, Fish B4,S2,W1, Fish B4,S2,W2
- Fish B5,S2,W-, Fish B5,S2,W0
- jp-double fish B2,S2,W1, jp-double fish B2,S2,W3