
EXPERIMENTAL VERSION of Many Attractive Examples for Groundforge

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On the pages of this website you will find many examples of grounds. Some examples are traditional. Others are our own finds. It is of course possible, that someone else has discovered the same ground.
If you, or someone you know, has been identified as creator of one or more of the grounds used, without being named as such: please let us know so we can add the reference.
You will find our email-adres on page About us.

GroundForge uses schemes (matrices) as input-parameter. Some of those are discovered by V. Irvine, and collected in the “Tesselace”, others, like the spiders, are created by ourselves. Of course, coïncidences happen.

Some new grounds use traditional prickings. E.g.: the “ants” are made on the rose-ground pricking.


© J. Pol © M. Tempels © V. Irvine © P. Fouché

Some examples show the traditional grounds. New grounds (also) created by others are indicated as such. Grounds found in the Whiting index are free of copyrights. All other grounds are our own finds.

All images are created by J. Pol, M. Tempels, or Groundforge, except where otherwise noted. Most of the images are created using Inkscape or Knipling ® (© Petra Pönisch Verlag).


Some of the publications listed here are mentioned on this website. Others are for more inspiration. Of course, this list is incomplete.

  • N. Andries: Naar de bron (Binche)
  • N. Andries, H. de Kok, G Landuyt and others: Van speldengrond tot Turnhoutse kant
  • B. Cook and G. Stott: The book of bobbin lace stitches
  • Deutscher Klöppelverband e.V.: Moderne Gründe
  • K. Egger: Neue Raster, neue Gründe: Klöppeln für Fortgeschrittene
  • V. Irvine: Developing a Mathematical Model for Bobbin Lace (paper)
  • V. Irvine: Tesselace. See Tools / Tessalations from templates
  • E. Kortelahti: Nyplättyä pitsiä - Bobbin lace (8 typical Kortelahti grounds)
  • U. Löhr: Viele gute Gründe
  • A. Rühle: Fillings from Hunnia Lace
  • H. Thumann and C. Aengeneyndt: Grund für Grund - Fast alles Torchon
  • H. Thumann and C. Aengeneyndt: Grund für Grund - Moderne Torchonspitze
  • H. Thumann and C. Aengeneyndt: Grund für Grund - Nicht ohne Grund
  • U. Ulrich: Gründe mit System
  • G. Whiting: A lace guide for makers and collectors (an index)